Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  n. [question, affaire] gai, kontu, afera, arazo

    the matter in hand: esku artean dugun gaia

    that's another matter: hori beste kontu bat da

    a matter of life or death: hil edo biziko kontua

    that's a matter of opinion: hori iritzi-kontua da

    as a matter of course: ohituraz, automatikoki

  • 2  n. [trouble] arazo

    something's the matter with the car: zerbait gertatzen zaio autoari

    what's the matter?: zer gertatzen da?

  • 3  n. [substance] gai, materia, substantzia

  • 4  n. [material] material

  • as a matter of fact
  • no matter
