Elhuyar Hiztegia


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Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  n. [thought] buru, gogo

    it crossed my mind to call the police: burutik pasatu zitzaidan poliziari deitzea

    to calculate sth in one's mind: zerbait buruz kalkulatu

    to be in one's right mind: nor bere senean egon

    state of mind: gogo-aldartea

  • 2  n. [conscience] kontzientzia, buru

    to set one's mind at ease: barrena lasaitu

    to have sth on one's mind: zerbaitengatik kezkatuta egon

    this will take your mind off it: honek distraituko zaitu

  • 3  n. [attention] ardura

    to put one's mind to sth: zerbait lortzeko ahalegin handia egin

  • 4  n. [opinion] iritzi, uste

    to make up one's mind: deliberatu, erabakia hartu

    to my mind...: nire ustez...

    they've changed their minds: iritziz aldatu dira

  • 5  n. [memory] gogo

    to bring sth to mind: gogora ekarri, gogoratu

    to bear sth in mind: gogoan izan, kontuan hartu

  • 6  n. [intention] asmo, gogo

    nothing could be further from my mind: ez dut horretarako inolako asmorik

    that's what I had in mind: horixe neukan buruan

    she had a (good) mind to tell him everything: hari dena kontatzeko asmoa zuen
