Elhuyar Hiztegia

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Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  n. bat

    a million is represented as a one followed by six zeros: milioia idazteko, bataren atzean sei zero ipintzen dira

    on page one: lehenengo orrialdean

    it's a TV and a video in one: telebista eta bideoa biak batean ditu

  • 2  adj. (indefinite) bat

    one fifth of the population: populazioaren bostena

    one boy was tall, the other short: mutil bat luzea zen, bestea txikia

    one of these days: egun hauetako batean

    one hundred: ehun

  • 3  adj. [only] bakar; bakoitz

    that's her one ambition: hori da haren desio bakarra

  • 4  pron. [particular thing or person] -a

    which one do you want, the big one or the small one?: zein nahi duzu, handia ala txikia?

    this one: hau

    that one: hori

    another one: beste bat

    she's the one I told you about: bera da lehengoan aipatu nizuna

  • 5  pron. [anyone] norbera(k), bat(ek), ø

    one should know what to do: norberak badaki zer egin behar den

    to do one's duty: nork bere eginbeharra bete; egin beharrekoa egin