Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu




  • 1  n. [sharp end] punta, mutur

  • 2  n. [particular time] une, memento, momentu

  • 3  n. [particular place] puntu, toki, gune

  • 4  n. [detail] puntu, gai

    to make a point: oharpen bat egin

    to have a point: arrazoi izan

  • 5  n. [significant idea] gai, kontu; koska

    that's just the point!: hortxe dago koska!

    to miss the point: ez ulertu

    to get/come to the point: harira etorri

    it's beside the point: ez dator harira

  • 6  n. [purpose] xede; zentzu

    what's the point?: zertarako?

    there's no point in it: ez du zentzurik

  • 7  n. [in score] puntu

  • 8  n. [decimal point] koma

  • 9  n. (Elect.) (Br) korronte-hargune

  • 10  n. (Geog.) lurmutur
