Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu




(compar -er superl -est)

  • 1  adj. [circular] biribil, borobil

  • 2  adj. [numbers, figures] biribildu

  • 3  adv. [on all sides] nonahi

    all round: leku guztietan

  • 4  adv. [in circular movement] jiraka, biraka

    to go round and round: jira eta bira ibili

  • 5  adv. [to the other side] beste aldetik, beste aldera

    we walked round to the back of the house: etxearen atzeko aldera joan ginen

  • 6  adv. [at or to nearby place] etxera, etxean

    to invite sb round: norbait etxera gonbidatu

  • 7  prep. [surrounding] -en inguruan

    the moon moves round the earth: ilargia lurraren inguruan biratzen da

  • 8  prep. [all over] -n barrena

    to wander round the world: munduan barrena ibili

  • 9  prep. [approximately] gutxi gorabehera, inguru

    round May 10: maiatzaren 10aren inguruan

    somewhere round here: hemen nonbait

  • 10  prep. [at or to the other side of] -en beste aldean

    they were waiting round the corner: kantoiaren beste aldean zeuden zain

  • 11  n. [stage in process] itzuli, bira; txanda

    the final round of the election: hauteskundeetako azken itzulia

  • 12  n. [in boxing] round

  • 13  n. [of milkman, postman] ibilaldi, erronda; [of doctor] ikustaldiak, bisitak

  • 14  n. [of drinks] erronda

  • 15  n. [bread] ogi-xerra

  • 16  n. [of applause] zaparrada

  • 17  n. [of shots] deskarga

  • 18  n. [of ammunition] bala, kartutxo
