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  • 1  adj. [like that] honelako, horrelako, halako

    there is no such person here: hemen ez dago horrelako inor

  • 2  adj. [like this] antzeko, pareko

    such jobs as mine: nirea bezalako lanak

  • 3  adj. [the few, the little] -n apurra, -n gutxia

    I've spent such money as I had: neukan diru apurra xahutu dut

  • 4  adj. [emphasizing degree, extent] hain

    she is such a charming girl!: hain da neska xarmanta!

    he's not such an idiot as he looks: ez da dirudien bezain inozoa

    I was in such pain (that) I couldn't sleep: hainbesteko mina nuen non ezin bainuen lorik egin

  • 5  pron. hori, horixe; horrelako

    such were her last words: horiexek izan zituen azken hitzak

    such is life!: horrelakoxea da bizitza!

  • and such
  • as such
  • such as
  • such as it is
  • such-and-such
