Elhuyar Hiztegia


Beste hiztegietan


en > eu


Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  prep. [in direction of] -ra; -(en)gana

    to go to school: eskolara joan

    come to me: zatoz nigana

    to the north: iparralderantz

  • 2  prep. (with indirect object) -i

    he gave it to her sister: bere arrebari eman zion

    go and talk to the teacher: zoaz irakaslearekin hitz egitera

    to listen to the radio: irratia entzun

  • 3  prep. [as far as] -raino

    I walked up to your house: zure etxeraino joan naiz

  • 4  prep. [until] arte, artean

    to count to ten: hamar arte kontatu

    we work from nine to five: bederatzietatik bostak arte egiten dugu lan

  • 5  prep. [before] gutxi(ago)

    it's ten to seven: zazpiak hamar gutxi dira

  • 6  prep. [per] -ko, -na

    one litre to one person: litro bana

  • 7  prep. [of] -en; -ko

    secretary to the boss: nagusiaren idazkaria

    the key to the car: autoaren giltza

  • 8  prep. [from opinion of] -entzat, -en iritziz, -en arabera

    to me, it's absurd: nire iritziz, zentzugabea da

    what's to them?: zer axola zaie?

    to all appearances: itxura guztien arabera

  • 9  prep. (in comparisons) baino

    she prefers coffee to tea: tea baino nahiago du kafea

  • 10  adv. [shut] itxita

    push the door to: itxi atea

  • 11 (forming infinitive) ø

    to walk: ibili

  • 12 (following another verb) -t(z)en; -t(z)ea; ø

    try to understand: saiatu ulertzen

    I hate to dance: gorroto dut dantzatzea

    he wants to go: joan nahi du

  • 13 (following an adjective) -t(z)eko

    ready to go: abiatzeko prest

    difficult to understand: ulertzeko zaila

  • 14 (indicating purpose) -t(z)eko, -t(z)earren, subjuntibozko adizkiak

    I'm doing it to help you: zu laguntzearren egiten dut

  • 15 (in commands) -t(z)eko

    he asked me to come: etortzeko eskatu zidan

  • 16 (to avoid repetition of infinitive) ø

    if you don't want to go, you don't have to: joan nahi ez baduzu, ez duzu zertan

  • 17 (indicating result) ø

    I awoke to find her gone: esnatu nintzenerako alde egina zen

  • 18 (with verb to be) -t(z)ekoa; behar

    she told me she was to get married in July: uztailean ezkontzekoa zela esan zidan

    passengers are to wait here: bidaiariek hemen itxaron behar dute