Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu

1 well

Partekatu sareetan:


2 well

Partekatu sareetan:


(compar better superl best)

  • 1  adj. ongi

    I'm very well, thanks: oso ongi nago, eskerrik asko

  • 2  adj. ongi, ondo; hobe

    that's all very well, but ...: hori guztia ondo dago, baina...

    it's as well for you that nobody saw you: hobe inork zu ikusi ez izana

  • 3  adv. [in a good manner] ongi, ondo, ontsa

    the patient is doing well: gaixoa sendatzen ari da

    I remember it well: ongi gogoratzen dut

    everything went well: ongi atera zen dena

    you're doing well: ongi ari zara

  • 4  adv. [considerably] ongi, ondo; dezente

    you know only too well: ondotxo dakizu

    well over a thousand: milatik ondo gora, mila baino askoz gehiago

  • 5  adv. [probably, reasonably] ziur aski, agian

    you might as well tell me the truth: hobe duzu egia esatea

    they may well be lying: gezurretan ari dira ziurrenik

  • 6  excl. (introducing topic) tira, ea

    well, let's go: tira, goazen

  • 7  excl. (expressing doubt) bada, ba

    well, I don't know: ez dakit, ba

  • 8  excl. (concessive use) bada, ba

    well, I think she's a fool: ba nire ustez txolin hutsa da

  • 9  excl. (expressing surprise) hara, begira, to, no

    well, who would have thought it!: to, nork esango zuen!

  • as well
  • as well as