eu > en
1 izlag. (Ipar.) same
orok ber gauza erranen didate: everybody tells me the same thing
2 izond. (Ipar.) only, sole, unique
Jainko bat ber dago juduentzat: for the Jews there is only one God
3 adb. (Ipar.) alone; lonely, lonesome
1 junt. (Ipar.) (-en atzizkia duen aditz laguntzaile edo trinkoaren ondoren) if; provided (that), as long as; assuming that
hotzik ez den ber, abia gintezke: if it isn't too cold, we could get going
2 junt. (Ipar.) (-en atzizkia duen aditz laguntzaile edo trinkoaren ondoren) no sooner
etorri den ber, hasi da berriketan: no sooner had she arrived than she began gossiping
(Mat.) raised to the power of, to the power of
zazpi ber hiru: seven to the power (of) three