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1 da/du ad. to fill, to make full
botila ardoz bete: to fill the bottle with wine
2 da/du ad. [ase] to satisfy; to gratify
haren nahiak bete: to gratify her wishes
3 da/du ad. [denbora] to expire, to run out
epea bete: for a deadline to pass, to expire
4 da/du ad. [agindua, hitza] to carry out, to fulfil, to obey
baldintzak bete: to fulfil the requirements
araua bete: to obey the rules
hitza bete: to keep a promise
5 du ad. [inprimakia] to fill in, to fill out
formularioa bete: to fill in a form
1 izond. full of, filled with
2 izond. full; complete; total
ilargi betea: full moon
3 izond. (ezezko testuinguruetan) normally intelligent
buruz betea ez izan: to not be too bright; to be a sandwich short of a picnic
4 izond. [denbora] one [whole, complete]
ordubete: an hour
5 izond. [neurria] a ... full of
gurdi bete belar: a cart full of grass