eu > en
1 iz. body
giza gorputza: the human body
gorputz-oinazeak: physical suffering
2 iz. [enborra] trunk, body; torso
biluzik gelditu zen gorputz-erdi: he was naked from the waist up
3 iz. [hilotza] corpse
atzo bizi, egun gorputz: yesterday he was alive, and today he is a corpse
4 iz. (hed.) [objektua, makina] section, part, piece; body
bi gorputzeko armairua: a cupboard in two sections or parts
5 iz. [soinekoarena] bodice
6 iz. [lodiera] thickness
7 iz. (Fis.) body
gorputz baten masa: the mass of a body
9 iz. (Mil.) corps