Elhuyar Hiztegia

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  • 1  n. [part, portion] zati, puska

    to come to pieces: puskatu, txikitu, birrindu

    to break sth to pieces: zerbait hautsi/puskatu/birrindu

    to take sth to pieces: zerbait desmuntatu

    in one piece: osorik, kalterik gabe

  • 2  n. (with uncountable nouns) [individual object] bat

    a piece of furniture: altzari bat

    a piece of clothing: jantzi bat

    a piece of fruit: fruitu bat

    a piece of advice: aholku bat

    a piece of news: albiste bat

    a piece of equipment: aparatu bat

  • 3  n. [in board game] pieza; fitxa

  • 4  n. [of journalism] artikulu

  • 5  n. [coin] txanpon
