en > eu
(pt became, pp become)
1 vi. (plus adjective) [grow to be] bihurtu, bilakatu; egin; izan
this is becoming difficult: kontu hau zailtzen ari da; hau geroz eta zailagoa da
she has become very impatient in the last few years: azken urte hauetan pazientza zeharo galdu du; pazientzia gutxiko pertsona bihurtu da
the pain became unbearable: oinazea eramanezinezko bihurtu zen
to become famous: ospetsu egin
to become ill: gaixotu
he became blind: itsu geratu zen
she became deaf: gor geratu zen
3 vi. [turn into] bihurtu, bilakatu
the gas becomes liquid: gasa likido bihurtzen da
the building has become a cinema: eraikina orain zinema-areto da
4 vi. [acquire position of] egin; izan; izatera iritsi; [king, queen] tronuratu
later this lady became his wife: aurrerago emakume hau haren emazte izan zen
to become a doctor: sendagile izatera iritsi