en > eu
(pt & pp fitted, fit)
1 vi. [clothes, shoes] eder(ki) eman, eder egin; ongi izan/eduki; neurrikoa izan
I can't find clothes to fit me: ez dut niretzat jantzi egokirik aurkitzen
this skirt doesn't fit me: gona hau ez da nire neurrikoa
it fits me like a glove: nire neurri-neurrikoa da
2 vt. [match] bat etorri
the punishment fits the crime: zigorra krimenarekin bat dator
your story doesn't fit the facts: zure istorioa eta gertaerak ez datoz bat
3 vt. [supply] hornitu, jarri, ipini
he has been fitted with a new hearing aid: audiofono berria ipini diote
4 vi./vt. [make suitable] gai egin/bihurtu/bilakatu; gaitu
his experience fitted him for the job: esperientziak lanerako gai egin zuen
5 vi./vt. [install] jarri, ipini; itsatsi; egokitu
to fit the lamp on the wall: lanpara horman jarri
they're having a new kitchen fitted: sukalde berria ipiniko diete
6 vi./vt. [key, bit] ahokatu, sartu
this bit fits in here: pieza hau ongi ahokatzen da hemen