Elhuyar Hiztegia

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en > eu




  • 1  adv. nola, zelan

    how does it work?: nola erabiltzen da?

    how did it happen?: nola gertatu da?

    how are you?: zelan zaude?

  • 2  adv. zer; zenbat

    how high is it?: zer altuera du?

    how many people were there?: zenbat pertsona zeuden?

    how long have you been waiting?: zenbat denbora daramazu itxaroten?

    how far is it to Rome?: zer distantzia/zenbat dago Erromara?

    how old are you?: zenbat urte dituzu?

  • 3  adv. zein; zer

    how pretty: zein polita

    how kind of you to help!: zein atsegina zure aldetik guri lagundu nahi izatea!

  • and how
  • how about
  • how far
  • how long
  • how many
  • how much
  • how often
