Elhuyar Hiztegia


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Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  prep. [indicating place, position] -n

    in the mountains: mendian

    in Rome: Erroman

  • 2  prep. [indicating time] -n

    in the morning: goizean

    in winter: neguan

    in 1976: 1976an

  • 3  prep. [inside] -n

    to be in bed: ohean egon

  • 4  prep. [after a time] barru, -en buruan

    to return in 4 days: 4 egun barru itzuli

  • 5  prep. [within] -tan

    to be ready in 5 minutes: 5 minututan prest egon

  • 6  prep. [with quantities] -tan

    in small groups: multzo txikitan

  • 7  prep. [with age] inguru

    he is in his forties: berrogei urte inguru ditu

  • 8  prep. [during] -n

    it's my first decent meal in three days: hiru egunean lehenengo aldiz jan dut ganoraz

    during the twenties: hogeigarren hamarkadan

  • 9  prep. [indicating circumstances] -n

    in danger: arriskuan

  • 10  prep. [indicating emotional state] -z; ø

    in joy: poztasunez

    to live in fear: beldurrez bizi

    he answered in anger: haserre/amorruz erantzun zigun

  • 11  prep. [indicating manner, condition] -z; -tan

    to write in pen: bolalumaz idatzi

    in this way: modu honetan

  • 12  prep. [to describe the surroundings] -tan

    to be in the darkness: ilunpetan egon

  • 13  prep. [at home, work] -n; ø

    is Mikel in?: Mikel etxean dago?; Mikel hor dago?

  • 14  prep. [tide] goian

    the tide's in: marea goian dago

  • 15  prep. [after superlative] -ko

    the best in our team: gure taldeko onena

  • 16  prep. [wearing] -z; -ekin

    he came dressed in black: beltzez jantzita etorri zen

    dressed in her best clothes: bere arroparik onenekin

  • 17  adv. [inside] barrura

    to jump in: barrura salto egin

  • ins and outs