en > eu
1 prep. [close to] -tik (gertu)
just off the coast: itsasertzetik oso gertu
it's one metre off you: zugandik metro batera dago
2 prep. [away from] -tik (urrun)
the mill is off the road: errota bidetik urrun dago
keep off the grass: ez zapaldu belarra
3 prep. [down from] -tik (behera)
to fall off a ladder: eskaileratik erori
to get off the train: trenetik jaitsi
4 prep. [removed from] -tik (aparte)
to cut a piece off the cheese: gaztatik zati bat moztu
take your hands off me!: kendu zure eskuak nire gainetik!
5 prep. [not attending] -tik kanpo
to be off work/duty: lanetik/zerbitzutik kanpo egon
6 prep. (inf) [no longer liking] -en ez zale
she's off smoking: erretzeari utzi dio
7 prep. (inf) [from] -i, -engandik
I bought it off my brother: anaiari erosi nion
far off: urruti
the town is 8 km off: herria 8 kilometrora dago
it's two days off: bi egun falta dira
to go off: alde egin
to run off: korrika alde egin
I'm off!: banoa (hemendik)!
9 adv. [removed] faltan
there's a button off: botoi bat falta zaio
the lid is off: estalkia kenduta du
off with that hat!: ken ezak txapel hori!
10 adv. [completely] erabat, guztiz
to finish off: guztiz bukatu
to pay sth off: ordaintzen bukatu
11 adv. [free from work] libre
to get off at four: lanetik lauetan atera
to get a day off: eguna libre izan
12 adv. [separating] bereiziz
to fence sth off: hesitu
13 adv. [not on] ez martxan
to switch/turn off the radio: irratia itzali
to turn off the tap: iturria itxi
14 adv. [discounted] beheratuta
5% off: % 5eko beherapena
15 adv. [having money] diruz
he is well off: diruz ondo dabil
he is badly off: diruz eskas dabil
16 adj. [food] usteldu, galdu, mindu
the food is off: jana ustelduta dago
the cheese is off: gazta lizunduta dago
the milk is off: esnea minduta dago
17 adj. [light, radio, device] itzalita; [tap] itxita; [water, electricity] moztuta
18 adj. [cancelled] etenda, bertan behera