Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu


Partekatu sareetan:


  • 1  adv. [towards a higher position] gora, gorantz

    he jumped up: gorantz jauzi egin zuen

    we walked up to the top: goraino igo ginen

  • 2  adv. [in a higher position] goian

    put it up there: jar ezazu hor goian

  • 3  adv. [northwards] iparralderantz

    the journey up from Munich: Munichetik iparralderako bidaia

  • 4  adv. [completely] erabat, guztiz

    the stream has dried up: erreka guztiz lehortu da

  • 5  adv. [finished] bukatuta

    time's up: denbora bukatu da

  • 6  adv. [out of bed] jaikita

    I stayed up late last night: bart oso berandu oheratu naiz

    they're not up yet: oraindik ez dira jaiki

  • 7  adv. [going on] ø

    what's up?: zer gertatzen da?

  • 8  adv. (Sport) irabazten, aurretik

    they're three goals up: hiru goleko aldeaz ari dira irabazten

  • 9  prep. [to a higher position] -n gora

    we went up the mountain: mendian gora joan ginen

  • 10  prep. [in a higher position] -en gainean

    up the tree: zuhaitz gainean

  • 11  prep. [further along] -n aurrerago

    I live just up the street: kale honetan aurreraxeago bizi naiz

  • 12  adj. [going upward] goranzko, gora doan

  • 13  adj. [cheerful] alai

  • 14  n. gorakada

    ups and downs: gorabeherak

  • up and down
  • up to
