en > eu
1 n. [road, route] bide
the way to the church: elizako bidea
Milky Way: Esne-Bidea
way in: sarrera
way out: irteera
to lose one's way: galdu, desbideratu
to be on one's way: bidean izan
to lead the way: aurretik joan; bidea urratu, aitzindari izan
to get in the way: oztopo izan, enbarazu egin
to get out of the way: bidetik atera, erditik kendu
to keep out of the way: urrun mantendu
to make way for sth: zerbaiti bide eman
to go out of one's way to do sth: zerbait egiteko neke handia hartu
to be under way: abian izan
to get under way: abiatu
to give way: amore eman
2 n. [direction] norabide, noranzko
this way: hemendik
that way: hortik
to look the other way: beste aldera begiratu
which way did it go?: norantz joan da? nondik joan da?
the other way round: alderantziz
turn the map the right/wrong way up: jarri mapa gora/behera begira
3 n. [distance] distantzia
it's a little way off: ez dago oso urrun
it's a long way away: oso urrun dago
we have a long way to go: bide luzea geratzen zaigu
4 n. [means, manner] modu, era
the French way of life: frantsesen bizimodua
it's the only way of arriving on time: garaiz iristeko modu bakarra da
this way: horrela
that's the way it is: halaxe dira gauzak
I'll do it my own way: nire erara egingo dut
in the same way: era berean
to have/get one's own way: norberak nahi duena lortu, nork berea egin
5 n. (usually pl) [custom] ohitura
the ways of the Spaniards: espainiarren ohiturak
he has his little ways: baditu hainbat ohitura bitxi
to get out of the way of doing sth: zerbait egiteko ohitura galdu
she has a way with people: jendetasun handia du
in a way: neurri batean
in no way: inola ere ez
in every way: zentzu guztietan
8 n. [state] egoera
he's in a bad way: larri dago
to leave things the way they are: gauzak bere horretan utzi
it's way too big: izugarri handia da
that was way back: hori aspaldiko kontua da