en > eu
1 vt. [harvest, flowers, hair, information] jaso, batu, bildu
2 vt. (also gather together) [objects] bildu, elkartu, taldekatu; jaso, bildu; [thoughts] ordenatu, ordenan jarri
3 vt. (also gather up) [pins, sticks, books] jaso, batu, bildu
4 vt. [speed] hartu, lortu, harrapatu
5 vt. [strength] berreskuratu
6 vt. (mainly spoken) [believe, suppose] uste izan, -(e)lakoan egon
you are new here, I gather: berria hemen, ezta?
I gather from him that...: hark esaten didanez...
as you will have gathered...: konturatuko zinenez,...
7 vt. [sewing] zimurtu, izurtu, tolestu; izurrak/tolesak hartu
8 vi./vt. [people] bildu, elkartu, taldekatu
the workers gathered in front of the town hall: langileak udaletxearen aurrean elkartu ziren
9 vi. [clouds, dust] metatu, pilatu