Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu


Partekatu sareetan:


(pt grew, pp grown)

  • 1  vi./vt. [plant] landatu, hazi; atera

    I grow tomatoes: tomateak hazten ditut

    that plant does not grow in England: landare hori ez da Ingalaterran hazten

  • 2  vi./vt. [hair, beard, moustache, nails] hazten laga/utzi, luzatzen utzi

    I've decided to grow my hair: ilea hazten lagatzea erabaki dut

  • 3  vi. [person] hazi

    how you've grown!: izugarri hazi zara!

    he has grown five centimetres: bost zentimetro hazi da

  • 4  vi. [animal] hazi; neurtu; luze izan

    these sharks can grow to six metres: marrazo hauek sei metro luze izan daitezke

  • 5  vi. [in number, amount] hazi; gehitu

    the company is growing: konpainia hazten ari da

    the number of unemployed has grown by more than 10,000: orain lehen baino 10.000 pertsona gehiago daude langabezian

  • 6  vi. [friendship, love] hazi

  • 7  vi. [with adjective] jarri; bilakatu; gero(z) eta... -ago izan

    he grew increasingly anxious/uncomfortable: gero eta gehiago urduritzen hasi zen; gero eta deserosoago zegoen

    he has grown very impatient in the last few years: azken urte hauetan ez du batere pazientziarik

    to grow fat: gizendu

    you will realize this as you grow older: zahartzen zaren heinean jabetuko zara
