Elhuyar Hiztegia

en > eu




  • 1  adj. [highest] goiko; gaineko

    the top floor: azken solairua

  • 2  adj. [best] on, aparta, bikain

    she got the top mark: notarik onena atera zuen

  • 3  adj. [maximum] handien; gehienezko, maximo

    at top speed: ziztu bizian

  • 4  adj. [most important, successful] garrantzitsu

    he's one of the top players of the country: estatuko jokalarien artean onenetakoa da

  • 5  n. [highest point] gain, gainalde, goiko alde, gaindegi

    the top of the mountain: mendiaren gailurra

    from top to bottom: goitik behera

    he filled my glass to the top: edalontzia goraino bete zidan

  • 6  n. [of box, pen] estalki, tapa; [of bottle] tapoi

  • 7  n. [surface] azal

  • 8  n. [clothing] soinaren goialderako arropa; top

    I need a top to go with this skirt: gona honekin ondo emango duen blusa bat behar dut

  • 9  n. [toy] ziba, zibota

  • 10  n. [highest rank] gailur, goi, goren

  • 11  n. [of league, table, scale] buru

  • 12  n. (Naut.) gabia
