en > eu
1 n. [unit of language] hitz
the order of the words in a sentence: hitzen hurrenkera perpausean
I couldn't get a word in edgeways: ez zidaten hitz bakar bat ere esaten utzi
she left without a word: tutik esan gabe alde egin zuen
3 n. [news, message] berri
there is no word from them: ez dugu haien berririk
4 n. [talk] hitz
to have a word with sb: hitz batzuk esan norbaiti
5 n. [promise, assurance] (ohorezko) hitz
to keep one's word: emandako hitza bete
6 n. [command] agindu, ordena, esan
to give the word to do sth: zerbait egiteko agindua eman
7 n. (pl) [lyrics] hitzak
have you listened closely to the words of this song?: abesti honen hitzak arretaz entzun dituzu?
8 n. (Relig.) hitz
the Word of God: Jainkoaren Hitza