Elhuyar Hiztegia


Beste hiztegietan


en > eu

come up

Partekatu sareetan:

Honen azpisarrera da: come
  • 1  vi. [ascend] [person] igo, goratu, gora egin; [sun, plant] atera, irten

    he has come up in the world: gizarte-mailan asko igo da

  • 2  vi. [crop up] [difficulty] azaldu, sortu, agertu; [matter for discussion] azaldu, esan, proposatu, mahaigaineratu

    to come up a question: gai bat mahaigaineratu

  • 3  vi. (Law) [accused] [person] agertu, azaldu, aurkeztu; [lawsuit] aztertu

    his case comes up tomorrow: bere kasua bihar aztertuko da

  • 4  vi. [university] matrikulatu, matrikula egin, izena eman

    he came up to Oxford last year: Oxforden eman zuen izena iaz

  • 5  vi. [go up] igo

    to go/come up the stairs: eskailerak igo
