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(pt was, were, pp been)

  • 1  vi. (linking nouns, noun phrases, pronouns) izan

    he's a pianist: piano-jotzailea da

    she's his sister: bere arreba da

    two and two are four: bi eta bi lau da

    if I were you...: nik zure lekuan...; ni zure lekuan banengo...

  • 2  vi. [characteristics seen as inherent] izan; (with past participles used as adjectives) egon

    he is boring: gogaikarria da

    it's blue: urdina da

    they are English: ingelesak dira

    it's broken: puskatuta dago

  • 3  vi. [changeable or temporary] egon

    it's dirty: zikina dago

    how are you?: zer moduz zaude?; zelan zaude?

    it's obvious that he is ill: gaixo dagoela nabaritzen zaio

  • 4  vi. [age] izan; bete

    how old are you?: zenbat urte dituzu?

    she will be two tomorrow: bihar bi urte beteko ditu

  • 5  vi. [be situated] egon

    where is the Town Hall?: non dago udaletxea?

  • 6  vi. [exist] egon, izan; existitu

    there must be an explanation: azalpenen bat egongo da

    there are three of us: hiru gara

  • 7  vi. [cost] balio izan, kostatu

    how much is it?: zenbat balio du?

    the book is £20: liburuak 20 libera balio du

  • 8  vi. [visit] bisitatu, bisita egin, ikustatu, ikusi; egon, izan

    I have been to see my aunt: nire izebari bisita egitera joan naiz

    I've never been to Australia: ez naiz inoiz Australian egon

  • 9  vi. (in noun compounds) izango den(a), izatekoa den(a), -gai

    my wife to be: nire emaztea izango dena

  • 10  v. impers. [weather] egin

    it was intolerably hot: bero jasanezina egiten zuen

  • 11  v. impers. [time, date] izan

    it's Monday today: gaur astelehena da

    it's the 3rd of May: gaur maiatzaren 3a da; gaur maiatzak 3 ditu

  • 12  v. impers. [asking and giving opinion] izan

    is it certain that...?: egia al da...?

    it's not clear whether...: ez dago garbi ea...

  • 13  v. impers. (emphatic) izan

    it's me who does all the work: nik neuk egiten dut lan guztia

  • 14  v. aux. (passive) izan

    the box had been opened: kaxa ireki egin zuten

    she was killed in a car crash: auto-istripu batean hil zen

    it is said that...: esaten dutenez...; diotenez...

  • 15  v. aux. (forming continuous) ari izan, aritu

    it's raining: euria ari du

    what are you doing?: zertan ari zara?

  • 16  v. aux. (in question tags) ez da hala?; ez dea hala?; hala(n) ez da?; ezta?

    he's handsome, isn't he?: ederra da, ez da hala?

    she wasn't happy, was she?: ez zen zoriontsu, ezta?

  • 17  v. aux. (in tag responses) (affirmatives) baita... ere, (eta)... ere bai, ere, eta bai... ere; (negatives) ... ere ez, ezta... ere, eta... ere ez, eta ez... ere

    "I'm worried" — "so am I": —kezkatuta nago —ni ere bai

    "is it what you expected?" — "no, it isn't": hau da espero zenuena? — bada, ez

    "I'm not ready" — "neither am I": —ni ez nago prest —ni ere ez

  • 18  modal v. [must, have to] behar izan

    you're to put on your shoes: zapatak jantzi itzatzu

  • 19  modal v. [should] behar izan

    he is to be congratulated on his work: bere lanarengatik zorionak eman behar dizkiogu

  • 20  modal v. (will) izan

    they are to be married on the summer: udan ezkonduko dira

  • 21  modal v. ahal izan, -t(z)ea izan

    these birds are to be found all over the world: hegazti hauek mundu osoan aurkitzea dago

  • 22  modal v. (in conditional sentences) izan

    you must work harder if you are to succeed: arrakasta izan nahi baduzu, gehiago ahalegindu beharra daukazu
