Elhuyar Hiztegia

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(pt & pp put)

  • 1  vt. [place] jarri, ipini, kokatu; [in hole, box] sartu

    put the chicken in the oven: sartu oilaskoa labean

  • 2  vt. [cause to be] jarri; sartu

    to put sb in a good mood: norbait aldarte onean jarri

    to put the children to bed: haurrak oheratu

  • 3  vt. [express] adierazi, esan

    as Shakespeare put it: Shakespearek esan zuen bezala

  • 4  vt. [present] egin; aurkeztu

    to put a question: galdera bat egin

  • 5  vt. [judge] zenbatetsi, jo

    I'd put her at about 35: 35 bat urte jotzen dizkiot

  • 6  vt. [invest] inbertitu

    to put money into a project: proiektu batean dirua inbertitu

    to put a lot of effort into sth: ahalegin handia egin

  • 7  vt. [direct] bota, egin

    to put the blame on sb: errua norbaiti bota

    to put pressure on sb: norbaiti presio egin
