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(pt got, pp got, gotten)

  • 1  vt. [information, money, visa, divorce] lortu, eskuratu, erdietsi

    he got it for me: berak lortu zidan

    you won't get any money out of me: ez duzu nigandik dirurik lortuko

    where did you get that idea from?: nondik atera zenuen ideia hori?

  • 2  vt. [have] izan

    I go whenever I get the chance: aukera dudan guztietan joaten naiz

  • 3  vt. [letter, phone call] jaso

  • 4  vt. [wage] irabazi, jaso

  • 5  vt. [TV station, radio station] hartu, jaso

  • 6  vt. [buy] erosi

    I got it cheap: merke erosi nuen

  • 7  vt. [fetch] bila joan, ekarri

    quick, get help!: arin, joan zaitez laguntza bila!

    can you get my coat from the cleaner's?: nire berokia jasoko duzu tindategitik?

    can I get you a drink?: zerbait hartu nahi duzu?

  • 8  vt. [doctor, plumber] deitu

  • 9  vt. [phone] hartu, erantzun; [door] ireki

    I'll get it!: hartuko dut!

  • 10  vt. [gain, win] irabazi, lortu

    she got first prize: lehen saria irabazi zuen

    he got an A in French: frantsesean bikain bat lortu zuen

  • 11  vt. [job, flat] aurkitu

  • 12  vt. [catch] [disease] harrapatu; [person] atzeman, harrapatu; [bus, train] hartu, harrapatu

    I've been trying to get him alone: bakarrik harrapatu nahian ibili naiz

  • 13  vt. [hold, catch] heldu, oratu

    to get somebody by the throat: pertsona bati lepotik heldu

  • 14  vt. [put through] jarri, ipini

    get me Mr Jones, please: Jones jaunarekin jar nazazu, mesedez

    you can get me on this number: telefono-zenbaki honetan aurkituko nauzu

  • 15  vt. [take, bring] [away from the speaker] eraman; [towards the speaker] ekarri

    how can we get it home?: nola eramango dugu etxera?

    where will that get us?: horrek nora garamatza?; zertarako balio digu horrek?

  • 16  vt. [meal] prestatu, kozinatu

  • 17  vt. (followed by an adjective) dagokion aditza

    to get one's hands dirty: eskuak zikindu

    to get one's feet wet: oinak busti

  • 18  vt. (followed by an infinitive, by a gerund) [person] limurtu, gogatu; (negatives) [object] ezin izan

    I'll get him to ring you: zuri deitzeko esango diot

    I couldn't get the car going: ezin izan nuen autoa martxan jarri

    I can't get the door to open: ezin dut atea ireki

  • 19  vt. (inf) [understand] ulertu, harrapatu

    I don't get you: ez dizut ulertzen

    I've got it!: orain harrapatu dut!

  • 20  vt. (inf) [annoy] gogait eragin, gogaitu

  • 21  vi. [reach, go] iritsi, heldu, ailegatu

    to get home: etxera iritsi

    how do you get there?: nola joaten da hara?

  • 22  vi. [become, be] bihurtu, bilakatu

    this is getting ridiculous: hau egoera barregarria da

    it's getting late: berandutzen ari zait

  • 23  vi. (followed by past participle) dagokion aditza

    we got beaten 3-2: 3 eta 2 galdu genuen

    several windows got broken: hainbat leiho puskatu ziren

    to get shaved: bizarra egin; bizarra kendu

  • 24  vi. (followed by gerund) [begin] hasi, -i ekin

    we got talking: elkarrekin hizketan hasi ginen

  • don't let it get to you
  • get around to (doing) sth
  • get fit
  • get sth done
  • get to do sth
  • get to know sb
  • what's got into someone?

  • get about
  • get across
  • get ahead
  • get along
  • get around/round
  • get at
  • get away
  • get away with
  • get back
  • get back to
  • get behind
  • get by
  • get down
  • get down to
  • get in
  • get in with
  • get into
  • get off
  • get off with
  • get on
  • get on to; get onto
  • get out
  • get out of
  • get over
  • get through
  • get together
  • get under
  • get up
  • get up to
